Coaching and mentoring sessions

If you're a content creator looking for support please feel free to reach out to me. I always want to be fully transparent in an industry that can feel very closed with information most of the time so all of my prices are clearly presented below. 

Content Creators

1 x 20 minute introduction colsultation £0.00 

An opportunity to introduce yourself and tell me about your channels and your goals. If you wish to then book an hours feedback session after I have looked at your channels you can then book

3 x 1 Hour Sessions £50.00

If you're looking to have a number of sessions you can buy 3 x 1 sessions at any point. This will give you a small discount. I aim to have no contracts with people but understand we are in a cost of living crisis and would like to offer some sort of saving. I hope my sessions give you the encouragement to be able to not have regular sessions all the time and maybe more drop in now and then for a catch up but wanted to offer a 3 x 1 hour package with some savings for those who want to have more regular support. 

Important information

My goal is to offer a friendly and trustworthy service with no hidden costs. If I wish to run over on a session and you also have time this will come with no extra charges. You will be booking your allocated time but any time I choose to invest in you and your project after this time will not come with any extra costs. I will also provided a breif but concise write up about our sessions and be available for follow ups. If you are wanting extra time with me and I feel this will be more than a quick catch up I will recommend you booking another session but my aim is to provide a service with no contracts, no hidden ways of claiming your valuble revenue. I am not an agency, I am not your manager I am just a friend who wishes to help you achieve your goals.

If you have any questions or wish to book your free consultation then please feel free to contact me via email at 

Please do not use my social media platforms to contact me via DM as I may not see your request for help. 

Thank you for taking the time to read about my services and I look forward to working with you in the future.